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Baiti Jannati – Rumah Tanpa Riba

Punya rumah adalah impian dari semua manusia yang hidup di muka bumi ini, meskipun di era sekarang sudah semakin sulit untuk menggapainya karena semakin terbatasnya petak-petak tanah dan juga semakin tingginya harga tanah maupun rumah.

Doa dari setiap pasangan adalah dicukupkan untuk membeli rumah walaupun bagaimana bentuknya setiap pasangan ingin hidup mandiri terpisah dari orang tuanya. Doa yang disampaikan berulang-ulang pastilah akan mengetuk pintu langit. Doa itu pula yang terbisikkan saat berada 18 jam di pesawat.

Sejak tahun 2016, sudah cukup sulit menemukan rumah murah di area Tembalang Semarang, dimana setidaknya ada sekitar 4 Perguruan Tinggi yang berada di area ini, Universitas Diponegoro, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Politeknik Kesehatan Semarang, dan Universitas Pandanaran. Mencari rumah seperti mencari jodoh, tak semudah seperti kita membeli sepeda. Puluhan marketing sudah dihubungi, beberapa lokasi sudah disambangi, namun belum juga ada yang cocok, hingga menurunkan ego untuk stel kendo, memilih kos/ kontrak untuk menabung. Saat itu sempat kos pasutri sekitar 8 bulan dan kontrak 3 tahun.

Tahun 2018, sebelum berangkat ke Jerman sebetulnya sudah ada tawaran rumah yang agak cocok, namun karena banyaknya hal yang harus dipersiapkan saat Latsar CPNS dan keberangkatan ke Jerman, akhirnya kesempatan tersebut dilepaskan saja.

Tahun 2019, menjadi tahun penuh perjuangan karena akhir Mei baru sampai dari Jerman dan harus mengejar kelulusan Program Doktor sebelum pembayaran SPP semester berikutnya. Hasrat untuk membeli rumah semakin menggebu karena kontrak akan habis di bulan Juli. What a busy life as always!

Di bulan Mei kami mencoba untuk terus mencari lokasi strategis sebagai hunian, tentunya banyak hal yang dipertimbangkan:

  • Lokasi 
  • Harga
  • Ukuran Rumah
  • Spesifikasi Rumah
  • Pembiayaan

Analisis pinjaman dari semua Bank Syariah pada saat itu sudah dikomparasi. Hingga akhirnya kami menemukan suatu solusi untuk menenangkan hati kami terkait bahaya riba. Kami menemukan situs mengenai sebuah perusahaan konsultan terkait dengan akad syariat yaitu Elang Property. Kami pun mencoba menghitung-hitung apakah pembiayaan yang ditawarkan masih masuk anggaran tabungan kami. Setelah proses konsultasi di kantor Elang Property Cabang Semarang, kami pun merasa lebih mantap dan semangat untuk menemukan rumah impian.

Juni-Juli kami mencoba untuk melengkapi semua dokumen yang dipersyaratkan, ada 1 kawasan yang menurut kami cukup menarik di daerah Mulawarman Selatan, Tembalang. Kami bersama tim Elang pun bernegosiasi untuk meminangnya, yang perlu diketahui untuk menjalankan akad jual beli murni adalah harus ada wujud rumah yang diperjualbelikan, jadi bukan hanya tanah kavling yang akan didirikan rumah, karena kita tidak pernah tahu apakah tanah kavling tersebut akan menjadi bangunan yang sesuai dengan ekspektasi pembeli atau tidak. Dalam jual beli tentunya dibutuhkan keridhoan dari pembeli maupun penjual. Ada 1 unit rumah ukuran LB/LT 50/60 yang saat itu sudah berwujud di area yang kami inginkan tersebut, namun negosiasi gagal karena developer meminta pembayaran secara tunai. Cukup berat hati kami melupakannya, karena sudah 2-3 minggu proses pendekatan itu berlangsung, namun kami lalu mencoba menemukan rumah berikutnya.

Pada awal Agustus, kami menemukan rumah yang tak jauh dengan lokasi rumah yang ditawarkan di tahun 2018. Kami hanya berpandangan, mungkin saja berjodoh di area ini. Kami mencoba untuk mengkomparasi harga di lingkungan tersebut, karena di tahun 2018 harga penawaran rumah di area tersebut sekitar 350 juta (bukan kondisi baru). Setelah mendapatkan informasi yang cukup, kami menemui sang pemilik.

Ternyata ada chemistry yang baik antara kami dengan pemilik, sehingga prosesnya pun berjalan cukup cepat. Tanpa cek dalamnya rumah secara langsung (lain kali tolong dicek), hanya lewat foto-foto kami masih merasa yakin dan ridho dengan bangunan baru yang belum pernah ditinggali sejak pembangunan bulan Juli 2018 tersebut, kami pun sepakat dengan harga yang ditentukan yang terbilang cukup affordable di kawasan tersebut. Proses pengajuan KPR ke BNI Syariah dibantu oleh Elang Property yang menjadi pihak ketiga kami dan setelah analisis administrasi, wawancara, dan lain-lain, kami mendapatkan jadwal akad di tanggal 28 Agustus 2019.

Catatan yang dapat kami resume dari perjalanan mendapatkan rumah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1.       Prinsip kami adalah mencoba untuk menghindari sebisa mungkin Riba, meskipun dalam pembelian ini kami masih mengajukan pinjaman namun akad jual beli kami tunaikan secara syari’i, dan niat kami adalah membeli rumah untuk ridho Allah, karena rumah yang diperoleh dengan jalan yang tidak disukaiNya akan menumbuhkan banyak godaan dari syaitan yang terkutuk, lebih baik mahal sedikit di dunia namun diridhoiNya.

2.       Sebaik-baik investasi adalah menyimpan logam mulia (LM). Sejak 2014 kami membeli LM PT. Antam yang harganya kian melonjak dari tahun ke tahun, sehingga dapat menutup tabungan kami.

3.       Proses pembelian ini berlangsung dari pemilik ke bank dan kami membeli dari bank sesuai dengan harga dan margin yang telah ditetapkan, jika masing-masing ridho maka insya Allah menjadi keberkahan bagi semua. Tentunya harga kesepakatan tersebut bersifat Flat sesuai dengan tenor yang disetujui oleh pihak Bank. Tenor tersebut menentukan besarnya angsuran tiap bulan, jumlah angsuran tersebut didasarkan pada kondisi keuangan debitur, maksimal sebanyak 40% dari total gaji yang dimiliki.

4.       Tabungan yang perlu dipersiapkan tidak hanya dilihat dari harga rumah saja, karena banyak hal yang perlu dibayar terkait Pajak dan Notaris, dan tentunya kami pun membayar Elang Property atas jasa yang dilakukannya. Besarnya pajak pun didasarkan pada lokasi bangunan tersebut, semakin eksklusif semakin tinggi NJOP nya.


Alhamdulillah di usia kepala dua kami dapat mewujudkan cita-cita atas petunjuk dan insya Allah keridhoanNya. Semoga menjadi awal yang baik dalam menjalani kehidupan yang penuh tantangan di dunia fana ini.

Akad kami telah ditayangkan di website Elang Property. Alhamdulillah kami pun mendapat ukuran dan harga yang lebih baik dari lokasi pertama yang menolak kami. LB/LT 52/87 dengan harga sekitar 400 juta, di Kawasan cukup padat dan tenang, 5 menit dari RS. Hermina Banyumanik Semarang.

Mari berproses menjadi lebih baik :)

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PPKI 2021 (Program Penelitian Kolaborasi Indonesia)

I am writing this thread to actualize my promise. I whispered that "if my name is accepted as a finalist, I'll share this experience".

Let's go to the story!

Sejak diumumkan pertama kali di awal Januari 2021, cukup tergoda dengan skema PPKI. I love to collaborate with people. I love to visit everyone. I love to travel somewhere. Sudah berapi-api mengajak seorang teman main untuk bergabung menjadi tim, namun setelah membaca syaratnya, lemesss.. it's too high requirement.. The Principal Investigator (PI) should have 4 Scopus H-index.. I just have 3 at that moment.. then, I tried to forget it..

Hingga pada akhirnya, pagi itu dikejutkan oleh seorang kolega.. We have the same nickname in Uni.. Sometimes, people call me Mr and call him Miss.. It's a unique accident, after the same name between My Dad and My former Spv in PMDSU.. Dr. Sc. Anindya Wirasatriya, ST, M.Si, M.Sc encouraged me to register PPKI, I said I was not eligible for it, but he sent me My Scopus Profile, I was really surprised (Fig.1). I could apply in the 2 days before deadline submission.. that day had been a super hectic and long day ever! I still had a lot of jobs to do.. then should make an eye catching proposal.. Oh My God! At the same time, I just lost my second future baby and promoted to be the Head of Dept/Secretary. The hardest beginning year ever!
Fig.1 The entrance of PPKI 2021

My big bro (Dr.Sc. Anin) said "You should catch your dream! Build your own kingdom.." It was repeated more than one thousand times in my mind.. Okay, then I tried to told my senior, I stepped down my chance to get promoted.. I would apply a proposal collaboration, the first national competition in my early career..

The pra-proposal already finished in one day, I thought no more than 24h. Hehe.. Sorry for mixing language.. I forget 😁🤣 Syok berikutnya muncul setelah nama duo Anin muncul di pengumuman lolos pra-proposal. I'm the youngest one there (Fig.2)! I know how an excellent all of the scientists are in the list. Ini kali pertama satu frame dengan pembimbing jaman skripsi di kompetisi, Dr.rer.nat. Anto Budiharjo, M.Biotech..

Fig.2 Pengumuman Lolos Pra-Proposal PPKI 2021

Kerja keras tanpa cerdas dan nekat tak kan pernah berbuah super.. I always dare to take a high risk in every part of my life.. The crazy one, within a year we should submit 3 articles in a high reputable journal without any delay 💪 I tried to convince my partners, we can! 

In the last minute, dengan sangat berharap full proposal bisa di proof read oleh Panutanquue, Prof. Ocky Karna Radjasa.. lucky me, he read and responded very fast.. H-1 fullproposal telah dikirim.. *crossfinger

Beberapa minggu kemudian, 7 nama scientist dr Undip dijadwalkan untuk tempur memperjuangkan proposal masing-masing.. tim yg kubentuk adalah generasi milenial dengan suplemen kerja rodi yang telah terbuktii.. apakah akan lolos uji? Karena kami newbie di kalangan akademisi?

Fig.3 Pembukaan Proses Interview PPKI 2021 dari Tim USU

Hari H interview pun tibaa (Fig.3), 100 proposal dari 12PTNBH+UB dievaluasi bersama.. sedikitnya 300 orang peneliti dengan track record mumpuni di Indonesia hadir pada tanggal 13 Februari 2021.. usaha telah dimaksimalkan, kami bertiga sempat brainstorming sesaat.. Dan presentasi pun lancar disajikan, pertanyaanpun dijawab dengan detailnya, terakhir kata pujian pun disematkan untuk tim tercinta.. terima kasih Prof. Adit Kurniawan (Fig.4), reviewer dari ITB yang telah menyejukkan hati kami.. Thanks super team for nice chemistry among us, Dr. Rizki Fitriani and Dr.rer.nat. Rahadian Pratama, we can!!

Fig.4 Proses interview dan tanya jawab di ruang 6

At the end, pengumuman final pun tibaa..
Tidak pernah membayangkan akan menjadi bagian dari penerima PPKI 2021 (Fig.5) yang dianggap sebagai PPKI dengan seleksi terketat sejak dibentuk 2 Batch sebelumnya.. pekerjaan keras bin cerdas menanti di depan mata.. 

Fig.5 Cuplikan penerima hibah PPKI 2021

The successful summary of PPKI:
  • Track record peneliti utama perlu! Terutama pernah menulis di artikel Q1-Q2 sebagai penulis utama.
  • Research Question jelas, tidak bertele-tele, state of the art muncul, novelty wajib!
  • Roadmap penelitian harus jelas dan future prospectnya ada.
  • Semua publikasi relevan dari semua partner dijadikan sitasi (kalo nyrempet dikit ya dibumbuin biar sedeep)
  • Luaran harus bombastis, tetapi realistis!
  • Pembagian job harus jelas apalagi kolaborasi, timeline, dan justifikasi anggaran harus clear!
  • Posisi peneliti di institusi kolaborator bebas, tidak harus menjadi Lektor, dkk.. tetapi minimal sudah pernah menulis di Jurnal Q1-Q2. 
anyway, I wouldn't apply and to be here without you, kakak Anin! Thank you very much for your kindly help.. I'm so blessed.. Duo Anin will work hard to bring a brighter future for our lovely FPIK Undip.. keep on fire! 

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Travelling to Europe


Happy New Year 2021!

Wish you stay safe from Covid19, healthy, happy, and productive!

Hi welcome back. After vacuum for a year, to realize my promise in 2019, here I come with my stories when I travelled to some cities in Europe.

If you already read my post about Finally My Circle Comes Up, you know that I postponed my chance to go abroad. After struggling with administration, selection, interview, and preparation, finally I got scholarship to make my dreams come true 😊 so happy for it! However, I need to be a strong heart mom, I could not bring my 18mo son. Even though I tried to pump so routine in my last week and left my breastmilk in freezer to him.

Okay let’s move on to my trips my adventures!

During my 1st week in Gießen (read: Giessen), I felt so lost, so homesick and missed all my family members, especially my baby! But I needed to survive until the end of my EIP (Enhancing International Publication) program (6 months). So then, I planned to travel around Europe with my limitted money. For your information (FYI), I stayed in Giessen, small city in Hesse State, Germany. I said this city is like Yogyakarta or maybe Tembalang (full of students). If I want to visit other country or big city, I need to go to Frankfurt first. Because I didn’t have student card, I had to pay regular charge for train. 15.8 € to Frankfurt. So, the more you travel the more you spent at least 31.6 €.

Markplatz, Giessen


I talked with my lab mate during my 1st week in the lab that I wanted to go somewhere in the weekend, so no need to cry and upset in my lonely room. The good news, they suggested me to go with travel agent, Studifahrten was the best and affordable choice for students. They offered many famous destinations in Europe. My 1st trip was Amsterdam. I contacted my friend who live there, and we plan to have shopping. In my 1st trip, I almost lost my train to Frankfurt. I fall asleep but fortunately my flat mate knocked out my door. You know, my train schedule around 23.30 and a Peruvian girl lab mate was standing in front of my flat door to wait me. How guilty I was. Mission accomplished! I could catch my train as well as my bus to go to Amsterdam. At 09.00, I arrived at Amsterdam. So cool! The next trouble come with my internet connection, I lost my Vodafone signal! I could not text my friend. The best things, my lab mate also join with his girlfriend, so I begged him to tethering for a while, hahaha… after A long day, my trip closed at 23.00.


One day shopping with Liz at Lisse, NL

Lisse, NL

Klompen, a traditional shoes from NL

Dam Square, Amsterdam

Canal Tours Amsterdam


After my 1st trip, I felt so challenged and addictive, go to somewhere and spent all day there. The next trip was Paris. My dream, my obsession, my passion, etc. haha… In this trip, three Indonesian girls would meet me in Frankfurt. We celebrated new year 2019 in Paris (Arch de-Triomphe). We arrived at Paris around 05.00, walking and sightseeing, lost in the station. Some places that we visited were Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame, Arc de-Triomphe, and Sacré-Cœur.


Arc de-Triomphe


Louvre in cloudy


Eiffel Tower with Indonesian artist


December 31st, 2018 was in Paris, then January 1st, I stayed one night at Frankfurt with my Undip friend who stayed during EIP program at Munich. On the next day, we had appointment with KJRI Frankfurt. As long you funded by The Government money, you need to report your arrival in the near office.  In the Frankfurt, we just walking around. We were sightseeing in Römerberg, Fountain of Justice, Tower, and Eiserner Steg. No need to pay. Haha..


Eiserner Steg

Euro Tower


KJRI Frankfurt


This was solo tour that open many opportunities in the future. I went by ICE train. I met someone in Bremen, she picked me up at Bahnhoff (train station). I stayed for 2 nights, we talked a lots, from science to private life. The weather was not okay, but she accompanied me to walk around. We visited Marktplatz and Bremen Roland, Bremen Town Hall, The Cathedral of St. Peter, Böttcherstrasse, Bremen Town Musicians, and Schnoor Quarter.



Schnoor Quarter

 Bremen Town Musicians

Roland Statue

Bremer Bank



The one that I never forget from Hamburg, I ate Pecel Lele at Jawa Restaurant, ahahah.. We deliberate to taste Indonesian food there, the price was quite cheap in a big city like Hamburg. FYI, a portion of Lele you need to pay around 300.000 IDR, hihi. Some places that attracted me were Townhall, Port of Hamburg, International Maritime Museum, Alster Lakes, and the awesome Elbphilharmonie (check out the video from Do not settle for details: I ate some cakes at this place! Yummiee…


the way to Hamburg Port

Jawa Restaurant

Town Hall

view from Elbphilharmonie 

Town Hall and Alster Lakes


This trip was arranged by my Thai friend. We stayed for 2 nights at Thai guy’s flat in Berlin. We went to Berlin by Flixbus from Giessen. So nice experience, because this bus was so famous in EU. During our 1st day, we walked around and using U-bahn and S-bahn. I travelled with my Undip friend, she joined with us from Munich. Some places that we visited were Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Alexanderplatz, Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Checkpoint Charlie, and Berlin Wall Memorial. We had dinner at Tuk Tuk Indonesisches Restaurant with bachelor student at Berlin (my lecturer’s son). 


Berlin Wall

Checkpoint Charlie


Reichstag Building

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Brandenburg Gate


Postdam is near with Berlin, but we need car to go there!! Haha, our Deutsche friend drove us to the beautiful city. At this city, I learnt how to drive in a highway, fill fuel, park the car. It’s totally different with Indonesian style. Again, we walked and walked. We almost spent a half day at Sanssouci Palace, then Cecilienhof, and we got sunset at Babelsberg Park. So warm! For dinner we went to Chonthong Restaurant to order delicious Thai food.

Babelsberg Park


New Palace

Thai restaurant
Sanssouci Palace


I thought that this trip was really really long day! In the early morning we arrived at Brugge/Bruges with light rain. The shops still closed, we just walked around and very impressed with the old architecture. We were in Minnewater, Rozenhoedkaai, Ten Wijngaerde, Horse Head Drinking Fountain, Sint-Janshospitaal (Museum), Bruges City Hall, Belfry of Bruges, and many kinds! I was happy, even though just sightseeing and no time to have a look more details. At 10.00 we went to Brussel, to see Atomium, tasted waffel and Belgian chocolates, so peaceful to stay. Wanna more additional time to relax here!



Manequin Pis


Horse Head Drinking Fountain

Shopping time


Bavaria State is large. I travelled for twice. Once with Studifahrten and the second visited to my flat mate’s family. One place that you must write in your list is Neuschwanstein castle! This beautiful castle brings you to the Barbie’s fairy tale. Moreover, in the winter, it looks very wonderful! So blessed to be here! We climbed the snow for several kilometres to Marienbrücke for taking Castle’s picture in a good angle, unfortunately the bridge was closed because thick snow. The other view was Hohenschwangau Castle and Alpsee, the lake with mountain view, so beautiful! In the afternoon, we still needed to climb to go the Highline 179 footbridge.


the way to  Marienbrücke

Hohenschwangau Schloss

view from Highline

Highline 179 footbridge

Alpsee Lake

Neuschwanstein Schloss


Yeay, spring come! Tulips were blooming! I was very happy to visit this place! I think all women over the world want to come here. You can find a lot of kinds of Tulips, roses, orchids, and I don’t know the rest. Particularly, I am not plants lover, but microbe lover. Haha.. this tour was the shortest tour! But we spent a long time in the bus. Many tragedies in this trip, started from midnight met and had handshake with drunk people in the train, changed seat in the bus until three times! But the trip was over with Studifahrten. See you on the future!



This trip was very very last during my 6 months staycation in Germany. I said staycation was really the best word to describe a single fighter who need vacation! My life always be hectic, thus refreshment is needed. Marburg is close with Giessen, only 10 minutes by RB (Regionalbahn). I love this City, so old and quiet. The hilltop castle is the famous one. We just need to take the bus for it.


Okay, that’s it!

During 11 city tours in Europe, I cannot exactly calculate how much I spent money, maybe around 2500 €. I think this is not the end of my trip in Europe. I still have a lot of list to go. Hopefully, someday I can visit and stay longer. More photos are available at my FB.

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